I got the day off from school yesterday because we got covered with ice here and I was thinking YaY! now I can spend all day blogging and looking at porn and uhhh...looking at more porn. And then I would probly do other things less productive. But then we lost all our power! And it was out all day! And I had to wank without even having any porn to look at!!! Im sorry but thats just not right!
Computer update, I wasn't able to load Avast but I did get AVG on and I THINK it may be working...it found all kinds of adware stuff (no viruses tho which is good). Thanks again jhorner and everybody.
Hey Kiss Tony thanks for the mention on your blog, I would thank you there but i can't find any way to comment (am i just missing it?) And thanks Jake too but seriously, my hot spot is NOT str8 lol.
Speaking of my hot spot, I told you all about my friend Tasha, if you weren't paying attention, she's my best friend and also--
1-the only person who Ive told Im gay and the only one who knew about Eric (who was my first/only bf so far), and she is also--
2-the person who first showed me yaoi. She collects yaoi pics and puts it them folders named after all the boys she knows if she thinks the pics look like them lol. Seriously. So anyway...if you look at the first 2 pics at the bottom of my blog you will see 2 pics that Tasha has in a folder named "Kyle and Eric". Yeah, kind of embarassing huh? And its all just her imagination anyway. I mean, Eric wasnt THAT big. And im not blond.

wowser - seems like Tasha is indeed a special girl. it's well good that u've got such a good friend there. quite a different look 2 those 2 pics - did she draw them herself?
so about a week ago u were saying that u'd popped outside 2 see what freezing felt like and now u've got ice! what next - a plague of frogs!!
lol at your 'how it works' ladybird book - we have them over here too! don't think i've seen that one tho! lol
take care kyle
hey kyle good to have you up and running again. missed you lol.
hey (lovely) kyle! hehehe
hmm when the power goes out, my imagination goes soooo far...
I called it that as a joke :P
ugh power outage sucks! It must've been the entire US that got snow yesterday!
So is your PC behaving healthier now? IM going nicely?
i hope eric was n't that big ouch :P stay out of the cold
and send me a message, take care and be safe
we had a day off from school too. but we had power stay on. glad ur computer is fixed...
take care justin
So should we assume that the computer is not fixed...and in fact has combusted into flame? And the internet connection went up too?
We miss our Kyle!!
hey buddy where are you at send an email or something ok
take care and be safe
Where the fuck are you?????
You're sorely missed by all...
Yeah! Re: Anon's comment!
kyle buddy, i've got a sinking feeling that you're not even reading this, which really makes me sad :( and torchy hates being sad.
the blogosphere is bigger than all of us, but it's just nowhere near as much fun with you not around.
we miss you kyle, please come back and play.
you're sorely missed - i really hope everything is ok with you.
damn it kyle wtf are u?
great book btw and something the whole family can share! :>)
where is kyle please email me buddy
take care and be safe
Happy Easter I miss you to death
Take care and be safe
Are you ever coming back buddy?
It seems Kyle has gone the same way as Archer and others - vanished into the unknown. Well buddy, we'll keep an eye out for you, in case you come back amongst us. Otherwise, if you ever do read this, wishing you only the best in life.
i have never forgotten you and will always be here for you. i wonder daily how you are and if you anything
thank you for all you did and please contact me one day when you can
take care and be safe my friend
hugs hugs
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