Saturday, January 24, 2009


I've told this to a few guys but I should say it here also, my computer is really messed up. Its OLD and its on dial up, and even worse is that I think its got some kind of adware or spyware stuff on it that I haven't been able to figure out how to get off. Anyway, when i try to use my IM to chat most of the time the comp just freezes up. I did get it working some today and added any of you guys who invited me but as soon as i started chatting it messed up again.


(friend) hi kyle i never see you online!

(me) yeah well its coz my comp always freez...........

(me, to myself) ARRRrgggghhhhh!!! *shakes fist*

Anyway im going to try to use it but if you see me on and we start chatting and all of a sudden im gone, don't think im being rude hehe.

I would never just leave in the mid



jhorner said...

My recommendations: (as an IT Security professional :+)

Install Avast antivirus and Ad Aware (theyre both free for home use). Restart your computer in Safe Mode and run both programs. Then restart it in normal mode and run both programs again. Then you _should_ be free of virus and spyware :+)

*big hugs*

Oh, and then get Broadband :D

torchy! said...

i'm sure jh knows what he's talking about, so it's worth givin it a go. hope u get it fixed.

i like (most of) your new yaoi btw.

take care

Col said...

I agree with torchy!
jhorner definitely knows what he's talking about, he's helped me with loadsa stuff.
It's all double-dutch to me lol, so he makes it easy for me. Bless him!

Hope you get it sorted anyway.

Take care,

Seth said...

jhorner is correct. Avast is a highly rated program, and AdAware is the gold standard in anti-spyware programs.

There are several other programs and things that can help "clean out" your system as well, but starting with those two will give a good head start on getting rid of some of the junk.

PS: don't try and run another Anti-Virus program (such as Norton or McAfee, at the same time as Avast - disable the other one while you run Avast so they don't possibly conflict).

There are several of us who will be glad to help with other technical advice.

But dialup - yikes. :)

Anonymous said...

anti-viruses and anti-other-stuff never fix me pc... =] i mean, NEVER...
at least, if it freezes, Rio is hot enough to melt it anyway...


Planetx_123 said...

Love the new pics!


KyleT said...

Thanks a lot you guys especially jhorner, i will try Avast and see if it works. Nothing i can do about the dial up for now tho :(

Also im glad some of you noticed i added some diff yaoi pics on the side and at the bottom :)

Anonymous said...

i hope u get ur computer fix. it not fun with a computer that not working.

twinkles said...

just a few recommendations:

-AVAST and AD-AWARE: relly good and free

-keep about 1/6th of your HD empty at all times

-dont keep stuff on the desktop or in mydocuments, create a folder in C:/ for all your stuff

-Keep internet using progams to the minimum, dont go on im, yahoo msn, skype, and downloading porn like the end of the world at the same time, just, one at a time.

-defrag your HD at least every 2 months

-format once a year

hope u get if fixed!!

jhorner said...

Formatting yearly is a bit extreme. and would be unnecessary if Windows weren't so crap. :)

Doomed But Cheerful! said...

If you find Avast! slows your machine down too much, try AVG, whcih is also free, and just about/almost as good - just a bit gentler on the CPU.

Doomed But Cheerful! said...

BTW - love the pic of you studying the map - of course, all those contour lines make it much more pleasant to read! =]